Is there life after comfort zone? – GRATIS seminar i Stavanger - 27. mai kl 18-21

If you are in search of where you need to be in life and what resources you need, or want to combine your interests with your job and don’t know how, or want to know how to build and expand your network to create a profitable business, then join us on the 27th of May 2015 for an evening of mental training, inspiration and networking.

Tid: 27. mai klokken 18:00 til 21:00

Getting out of your comfort zone can be terrifying...but it can also be exhilarating!! The challenge is to find the courage and the support to actually get you out in front of your fear so you can experience the moment.

As an extreme minded ‘solopreneur’, startup coach Anna Khomeriki shares personal stories of her extreme experiences to guide you to finding your own courage to get out of your comfort zone in life and in business. Erwin Geiss will share with you how he moved from comfort zone to magic zone using the 2% mindset strategy and finding himself and starting his own business. Living her dream as Mindfulness instructor and coach, Jessica Rein loves teaching techniques on how to tackle the difficulties in life. She will share how mindfulness got her to the top of Kilimanjaro. From her you will learn a simple self-management tool that has the power to change your life.

Register here

This event is held in English!

NB: Dette er ikke et arrangement i regi av Skape